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Setting up the data

  1. The CHASS data was downloaded in a dbf format so we joined the tables to a boundary layer using their CTUID.

  2. After joining the dbf files into shapefiles, we can display the data from symbology. 

Hotspot Analyses

  1. Took 5 layers: Public_transit, Apartment, %65+, Income, Health_care. Conducted a hot spot analysis for each of them.

  2. Selected by attribute to get GI_bin greater than 0 to get hot spots. Selected GI Bin less than 0 to get cold spots. Exported as a layer for each hot spot analysis

  3. Joined all the Hotspot layers (public transit, apartment, %65+, and percentage of healthcare workers)

  4. Added GiZscores from every layer to create a new column (hotspots_all)

  5. Selected groups of highest and lowest combined values to get hotspots and cold spots.



  1. Added 10 km buffers to Hospital layer 

  2. Added 200 m buffer to Residential Care facilities

  3. For Greenspaces, we selected by attribute for parks with an area over 30,000 sqm and created a layer

  4. Added a 1 km buffer to the selected Greenspaces

  5. We then selected by attribute for parks with an area below 30,000 sqm and created a layer

  6. Added 500 m buffer to the selected Greenspaces


Grouping Analysis

  1. Joined tables (percent over 65, journey to work, dwelling type, income, jobtype, industry) to Metro_Van_CT layer. Normalized job type and industry by total population. 

    • Do this by going to the attribute table and clicking Calculate. Divide health_care, public_transit, and whatever else is population dependent by total_population. Need to make it so it doesn’t matter that there are more people in one CT versus another...

  2. Exported Metro_Van_CT into the gdb

  3. Ran grouping analysis with the following variables: Income, Apartment, Apartment >5, Health_care, Health, %65+, public_transit

    • *you can put other ones in here or scrap some if you find it necessary!

    • **use Metro_Van_CT to run the analysis. If you want to join another table, join it to metro_van. Then export metro_van as a feature (right-click → data → export → feature). Save in the .gdb as whatever you want, make sure the variables are normalized if necessary, then run the analysis!



Census tract and dissemination area boundaries


Age, dwelling, employment, income, journey to work, language and population data

Open Data

health care facilities and hospital locations


NAD 1983 UTM Zone 10​N

REFERENCES (2020). Vulnerable Populations and COVID-19. Vulnerable Populations and COVID-19.

Center for Disease Control. (2020, April 7). Older Adults. Retrieved from

Hughes, D. A., & Norton, R. (2009). Vitamin D and respiratory health. Clinical & Experimental Immunology, 158(1), 20–25.

Nicholl, J., West, J., Goodacre, S., & Turner, J. (2007). The relationship between distance to hospital and patient mortality in emergencies: an observational study. Emergency Medicine Journal, 24(9), 665–668.

Nieman, D. C., & Wentz, L. M. (2019). The compelling link between physical activity and the bodys defense system. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 8(3), 201–217.

People Who Are at Higher Risk for Severe Illness. (2020, April 15). Retrieved from

World Health Organization. (2020, March 27). Be Active during COVID-19. Retrieved from

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